Guidelines for Medicaid 72-Hour Emergency Meds

The Texas Medicaid-CHIP Vendor Drug Program has mailed out a new pharmacist poster/flier stating the guidelines for dispensing emergency 72-hour supplies of medications. The laminated color fliers were mailed November 27 to pharmacies by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. One flier is full-sized and comes pre-punched so it can be placed in a binder. However, THHSC encourages all pharmacies to display the flier prominently where all staff can view the information and instructions for submitting claims for dispensing of 72-hour med supplies. The second flier is a smaller, condensed version that can be taped to a computer computer monitor or near the PC so staff can refer to it when submitting Medicaid claims. Additional copies of both fliers can be downloaded and printed from the links above. The November 27 letter from VDP Deputy Director Andy Vasquez also mentions the agency's online training module available at Pharmacy staff can complete the module in 35-40 minutes and receive one CEU approved by the University of Texas. Other training modules are also available at the site.

VDP also has a revamped web site with a shorter, simpler address: THHSC encourages pharmacies to bookmark the web site and to sign up to receive VDP news updates. All issues of VDP's quarterly RxUpdates are now posted on the site. (RxUpdates is mailed regularly to every Texas pharmacy.)