PMP Statistics
FY2025 - Q1
AWARxEInformation and login instructions regarding provider access to the patient Controlled Substance history database>>Learn More
PMP CLEARINGHOUSEDispenser portal to report dispensations and Clearinghouse guidelines>>Learn More |
OFFICIAL PRESCRIPTION FORM FOR SCHEDULE Ⅱ DRUGSOrder Official Prescriptions forms, obtain information regarding security features, and review guidelines to report lost or destroyed forms>>Learn More
PMP RESOURCESControlled Substance related laws and rules, pain management information, and other Controlled Substance information>>Learn More |
NARXCARELearn about NarxCare, one of the newest enhancements to the Texas PMP, and how it can assist healthcare professionals in safe prescribing and dispensing practices>>Learn More
PMP STATEWIDE INTEGRATIONControlled Substance related laws and rules, pain management information, and other Controlled Substance information>>Learn More |
LAW ENFORCEMENT ACCESS PORTALThe Law Enforcement Access Portal (LEAP) is a portal for approved law enforcement personnel and approved prosecuting attorneys to submit subpoenas, warrants, or court orders for information contained in the Texas Prescription Monitoring Program>>Learn More |
PATIENT ACCESS PROGRAMThe Patient Access Program (PAP) allows authorized patients or patient guardians to receive a copy of the patient's Texas Prescription Monitoring Program record.>>Learn More |