Renew or Update — Pharmacy (Facility) License
You can find pharmacy renewal instructions here, along with information regarding how to update an existing license.RENEW A PHARMACY LICENSERenew a pharmacy license that is due to expire within the next 60 days>>Learn More
FORMS TO UPDATE A PHARMACY LICENSERequest to Change the Owner, Officers, Name, Location, PIC, Services, Balances, etc. for a Pharmacy>>Learn More
ADDING REMOTE PHARMACY SERVICESApply for a remote pharmacy service such as automated pharmacy system, E-Kits, satellite pharmacies, etc.>>Learn More
INFORMATION REGARDING CLASS D PETITIONSInformation regarding Petitions for an Expanded Formulary and Alternative Visitation Schedules>>Learn More |
TECHNICIAN PROGRAMS FOR CLASS C OR C-S HOSPITALSApplications for a hospital to implement the Tech-Check-Tech Program or for a Rural Hospital>>Learn More
TEMPORARY CLOSURE NOTIFICATIONDownload and complete forms required for temporary closure notification to TSBP under certain conditions (due to fire or disaster, no PIC, etc.)>>Learn More
CLOSE A PHARMACY LICENSEDownload and complete the form required to properly close a Texas pharmacy license>>Learn More