Remote Pharmacy Services
Remote Pharmacy Services allow a Class A or a Class C pharmacy to provide pharmacy services in a facility that is not at the same location as the Class A or Class C Pharmacy. Below is a list of applicable Remote Pharmacy Services that a Class A or a Class C may apply for:
Automated Pharmacy System (APS) |
A mechanical system that dispense prescription drugs and maintains related transaction information. See Rule §291.121 (a) “Remote Pharmacy Services using Automated Pharmacy Systems” for specific regulations and definitions.
Automated Dispensing and Delivery System (ADDS) |
A mechanical system that dispenses and delivers prescription drugs to patients at a remote delivery site and maintains related transaction information. See Rule §291.121 (d) “Remote pharmacy services using automated dispensing and delivery systems” for specific regulations and definitions.
Emergency Medication Kits (E-Kits) |
Controlled substances and dangerous drags maintained by a provider pharmacy to meet the emergency medications needs of a resident:
See Rule §291.121 (b) “Remote Pharmacy Services using Emergency Medication Kits” for specific regulations and definitions
Satellite Pharmacy |
A facility not located at the same location as a Class A or Class C pharmacy at which the satellite pharmacy services are provided. A satellite pharmacy may not store bulk drugs and may only store prescription medications that have been previously verified and dispensed by the provider pharmacy. A satellite pharmacy must be under the continuous, physically present supervision of a pharmacist at all times the satellite pharmacy is open to provide pharmacy services. See Rule §291.129 “Satellite Pharmacy” for specific regulations and definitions
Telepharmacy |
A system that monitors the dispensing of prescription drugs and provides for related drug use review and patient counseling services by an electronic method which shall include the use of the following types of technology: (a) Audio and video
See Rule §291.121 (c) “Remote Pharmacy Services using Telepharmacy Systems” for specific regulations and definitions