Apply or Renew — Military Benefits

Initial Application Benefits

    Temporary License — Pharmacist Only

    An eligible military service member, military veteran, or military spouse may apply for a six-month temporary pharmacist license by reciprocity as outlined by Board rules 283.12 and 297.10.

    Alternative Registration Procedure — Pharmacy Technician Only

    An eligible military service member, military veteran, or military spouse may apply for a non-renewable pharmacy technician trainee registration or for a pharmacy technician registration, depending on the applicant's status, as outlined by Board rule 297.10.

      Notify the Board if you would like to apply for a pharmacy technician registration via alternative registration procedure:

    Expedited License or Registration

    An eligible military service member, military veteran, or military spouse may apply for an expedited pharmacist license or pharmacy technician registration by reciprocity as outlined by Board rules 283.12 and 297.10.

    Interim License or Registration for Military Spouse

    An eligible military spouse licensed or registered in another state may apply for a non-renewable three-year interim pharmacist license or pharmacy technician registration as outlined by Board rules 283.12 and 297.10. See the application for detailed requirements and instructions:

Renewal Benefits

    License or Registration Renewal

    A military service member who holds a pharmacist license or pharmacy technician military registration is entitiled to certain benefits as outlined by Board rules 283.12 and 297.10.

    Inactive Status — Pharmacist Only

    A military service member who holds a pharmacist license and who is not engaged in the practice of pharmacy in Texas may place their license on inactive status and is eligble for certain benefits pertaining to inactive status as outlined by Board rule 283.12.

More Information

    Pharmacist Renewal Options - Military Affiliation

    For a detailed look at pharmacist renewal options, see this chart.