Complaint FAQ | How are complaints resolved?

Each complaint is thoroughly reviewed and evaluated, first to determine if the complaint (allegations) involves a person or a pharmacy licensed by this Board, and secondly, whether the allegations, if true, would be a violation of the Texas Pharmacy Act or Texas Drug Laws. If the complaint is not under our jurisdiction, we may close the complaint with no action or refer the complaint to another agency or entity. The Board of Pharmacy does not have jurisdiction over complaints involving rudeness, customer service, and/or pricing/billing disputes.

If the complaint is within the jurisdiction of this agency, the complaint may be referred to an investigator. An investigator may contact you for additional information about your complaint; so, you will be asked to provide your telephone number. If you do not have a telephone or do not want us to call, we will write to the address that you have provided if we need more information. Please keep all evidence in your possession (such as bottles and receipts) until you are contacted by a TSBP investigator.

Many complaints are closed with a verbal or written warning. If a complaint results in disciplinary action being taken against the licensee or applicant, the action may range from reprimand (public censure) to revocation (license is taken away from the pharmacist or pharmacy). The Board does not represent the complainant (person making the complaint) individually and does not seek restitution or money damages on behalf of any individual.

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