Outgoing PIC — Change of Employment
If you are no longer the Pharmacist in Charge of a pharmacy and would like to be removed from the pharmacy you are related to, see the following instructions to complete the online change of employment requirement.
If you are licensed as a Temporary Pharmacist, you may not serve as pharmacist-in-charge of a pharmacy with a temporary license issued under Board rule §283.12.
Pharmacists that are working at a facility that is not licensed by the Texas State Board of Pharmacy are not required to report their employment.
Before you begin, make sure you have the pharmacy license number, type of pharmacy and the pharmacy name available. NOTE: If your pharmacist license is delinquent, inactive or expired, you will not be able to change your employment.
You can download a copy of these instructions with screenshots via the button below:
Download InstructionsStep 1
Login with User ID (email) and Password through the Online Licensing System.
Step 2
Your license number is located on the right hand side of the page. If you do not see your registration, click link titled “add license to registration” under “Additional Activities” and follow the instructions.
If you get an error message that reads “Entity already exists under another user ID”, this means your license is associated with another login or email address. Email licensinghelp@hpc.state.tx.us with subject line “ENTITY ALREADY EXISTS”. In the body of the email include:
Full Name,
License Number,
and email address that you want your license(s) to be under.
NOTE: it may take up to 48 hours to receive a response.
Step 3
Under “Manage your license information” section, select the “Drop Pharmacist in Charge” then select “Next”.
Step 4
Under Contact Information, you will have an opportunity to update your personal or work email address, and phone numbers. Any deficiencies or issues with the change will be sent to the email listed. Select Next to proceed.
Step 5
Select the Departing Pharmacist in Charge, if you were able to complete the inventory with the incoming PIC, attest to the fact and enter the date the inventory was completed. Select Next to proceed. If you were not able to complete the inventory, you will have an opportunity to make a written statement and provide the date you were last present in the pharmacy.
Step 6
Select the “Delete Relation” to remove the pharmacy from pharmacist in charge relationship. If you are staying on as a staff pharmacist with this pharmacy or will be a PIC of another pharmacy, you will need to complete and submit the removal of your PIC designation, then start a new Pharmacist Employment Relationships or Add Pharmacist in Charge application.
Step 7
Before you submit the application, verify the information listed is correct on the application summary page. If you need to change any information, select the “Edit” for the sections that need to be updated.
Step 8
Once you submit your application, you will receive a confirmation of the change with a copy of the application summary to the email account listed in your profile.
Changes will show on the License and Verification page the following day.
If you are having trouble changing your information online after following the instructions, email us at mailing@pharmacy.texas.gov.