Pharmacy Technician & Technician Trainee Changes

If you are a staff pharmacy technician, see the following instructions to complete the online change of employment requirement.

If you are licensed as a Temporary Pharmacy Technician, you may not change your employment online. Send these type of changes to

Pharmacy technicians that are working at a facility that is not licensed by the Texas State Board of Pharmacy are not required to report their employment.

Change of Employment For Pharmacy Technician Online

Before you begin, make sure you have your current employer's pharmacy license number, type of pharmacy, and the pharmacy name available.

    Step 1

    Login with User ID (email) and Password through the Online Licensing System.

    Step 2

    Your reigstration number is located on the right hand side of the page. If you do not see your registration, click link titled “add license to registration” under “Additional Activities” and follow the instructions.

    If you get an error message that reads “Entity already exists under another user ID”, this means your license is associated with another login or email address. Email with subject line “ENTITY ALREADY EXISTS”. In the body of the email include:

      Full Name,
      Registration Number,
      and email address that you want your registration(s) to be under.

    NOTE: it may take up to 48 hours to receive a response.

    Step 3

    Under “Manage your license information”, select the “Technician Employment Relationships”. You will need to know the type of pharmacy you are employed with as well as the Texas pharmacy license number to add your employment.

    When you have finished entering all of your employer’s information, select ‘next’. You will be on the employment summary screen where you will be allowed to ‘submit’ your change of employment. You can only list employers that are pharmacies licensed with TSBP. You are not required to list non-licensed pharmacy employers. Changes will show on the License and Verification page the following day.

If you are having trouble changing your information online after following the instructions, email us at