PMP Mandatory Lookup Compliance in Integrated EHRs
Pharmacists are required to check a patient’s controlled substance history in the Texas Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) before dispensing opioids, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, or carisoprodol per section 481.0764 of the Texas Controlled Substances Act and section 315.15 of the Board rules.
In some integrated pharmacy management systems, a patient score is loaded for viewing when the patient’s record is accessed, rather than the full report. Viewing the patient score alone does not comply with the mandated PMP lookup requirement. The pharmacist must manually initiate a report request by clicking to “View/Show Report” and access the full controlled substance history report for the patient to comply with the mandated PMP lookup requirement.
Other integrated pharmacy management systems will load both the patient score and the full patient report. In this case, the pharmacist does not need to load the report separately to be compliant with the mandate.
Click on the thumbnail image below to see an example of the integrated workflow where "View Report" must manually be clicked for compliance: