Pharmacy Laws & Rules
Order the Texas Pharmacy Laws and Regulations through: LexisNexis or call: 1-800-533-1637.
Pharmacies operating in Texas are required to maintain a copy of the laws and rules governing the practice of pharmacy in hard copy or electronic format. Please note that the electronic version must be accessible to pharmacy personnel at all times.
You can join our email list to receive news and updates, including updates about rules, Board meetings, etc.
Electronic Copies of Pharmacy And Drug Laws and Rules are available at the following links:
- Texas Pharmacy Act
(Go to Chapters 551-569, Occupations Code) - Texas State Board of Pharmacy Rules (Texas Administrative Code)
- Health and Safety Code
- Chapter 431 - Texas Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
- Chapter 481 – Texas Controlled Substances Act
- Chapter 482 – Simulated Controlled Substances
- Chapter 483 – Texas Dangerous Drug Act
- Chapter 485 -- Abusable Volatile Chemicals
- Chapter 486 -- Over-The-Counter Sales of Ephedrine, Pseudoephedrine, and Norpseudoephedrine
- Texas Controlled Substances Rules
- Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act
- Poison Prevention Packaging: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals
- DEA Pharmacist's Manual
- The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)
- Board Policy Statements and Guidelines